Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Hunger Games (2012)

The Hunger Games
I heard all the hype on this movie and
I heard how it was like Battle Royale but for a
younger American audience or Twilight fans.
That's just what I heard.
I had to see it to see what the big deal is.
I went in with a fair expectation for the movie.
Didn't want to expect a lot from it.
After watching it I like to say that
this movie was pretty cool.
Didn't blow me away, but it was okay.
I would of wanted a lot more with the story.
I would of wanted to see revolution and beginning
of a new era.
But instead, I got a lot of training and preparation for
the actual game with some drama between
the main character and her "love" interest.
I guess I was hoping for a lot of chaos.
But, it was okay for this type of story.
The action stuff was pretty good.
So no disappointment here.

For those who haven't seen it yet,
see Battle Royale better.
Now that one is more brutal, cold, and crazy than this
movie could ever be.
This one is good to check out for entertainment purposes.
But, I wouldn't exactly get it for my collection.