Wednesday, August 8, 2012

South American Cinema Night: Mancora


Every 2nd Wednesday of every month
I'll be checking out a movie from any country in South America.
My goal is to see one movie from each country.
This excludes any films I see at film festivals.

Tonight's movie is from Peru:

A little interesting drama from Peru.
It was going good for a bit there
and then the characters felt a little too exaggerated
after about 30 minutes in.
It was obvious what was going to happen
but at least I was hoping to see some great cinematography
and some strong performances.
It wasn't quite up there for me.
Would love to go to Peru one day.
The beach scenes looked awesome.

Overall, for this type of story, it was okay.
Nothing special to note.
Next month, I'll be checking out a movie from Argentina.

This movie was accompanied by a Peruvian inspired dish:
Ceviche served with Peruvian beer (Cristal).
The Before:

The After: