Thursday, May 3, 2012

Underworld: Evolution

Underworld: Evolution
The latest Underworld movie is coming out on DVD
next Tuesday. I haven't seen the last two.
I heard that I don't have to see the last one because
it's more of a prequel and background movie that
has nothing to do with the other movies.
Last night I re-watched the first one.
And now tonight, I'm going with this sequel.
I liked this movie a lot more.
It's still a little complicated but lots of things going on.
The first movie hyped this one up.
While it didn't live up to the hype, it was still nice
to see some vampire vs. wolf action.
Cool effects with some of the kills.
They explain it more clearly here about the origin
and conflicts between these characters.
While I still don't consider myself a fan,
I can at least say that I was entertained.
One of my favorite scene is the scene with Tanis
(the vampire that was exiled).
His lines were funny.
Too bad he gets killed right away (after spoiling
some secrets, of course).

Next Tuesday I'll be checking out Underworld: Awakening
for New Release Tuesday.