Sunday, May 29, 2011

Alien Resurrection

Alien: Resurrection
What a surprise!!
This movie was everything everybody said it was.
A big mess.
I didn't like any of it.
I know, I'm late into seeing this franchise.
I saw Aliens last year for the first time
and Alien 3 this year.
Having bought the Alien Quadrilogy,
I had no choice but to eventually see this one.
Completely waste of time, talent, and money.
I'm a fan of the director who directed this one
(who also did Amelie and Micmacs).
I know this is a studio film, but
this ruins the credibility of everyone involved.

All we needed was Ripley to turn into one of these
aliens, rule Earth, and later becoming
Queen of the roaches. That might not be a bad idea.
Alien 5, here we go.