Monday, June 1, 2015

The Connection

Love me a good gangster film.  When I first saw the trailer to this French film earlier in the year, I knew it was going to be something decent.  I had to see it on the big screen.  Now, it's not going to get points for originality.  Nothing new or fresh for the genre.  This is about the performances and a few good moments.  This is a clear example of "don't hate the player, hate the game."  Tragic fucking story with a killer soundtrack.  It played in the festival circuit last year and Drafthouse Films now owns it.    
Recommended for fans of Gangster and Foreign Films.  For some reason, this reminded me of a Spanish movie called, Unit 7 (which I bought no so long ago).  Might need to see that one soon.

The Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar location had a whole big wall for this in the lobby.  There were bricks of heroin too.  Hell of a party.  Had me French Press Coffee with this one.