Sunday, June 7, 2015

[REC] 4: Apocalipsis

Pulled a zombie double feature on this fine Sunday afternoon.  Director Jaume Balaguero is back and did justice to the REC franchise.  Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of part 2 but it was okay comparing to the terrible part 3.  REC 4 is completely non found footage.  Most of it takes place in a ship.  It continues where part 2 left off.  Here we have a group of doctors trying to find an antidote to this so called crazy virus.  All of a sudden, a patient on board has the virus and hell breaks loose.  Not to mention the monkey they were experimenting on.  Oh shit! Zombie monkey!  Lots of good gore in the second half.  Good choice of weapon: a boat engine.  Oh yeah!  Our main female character from the first movie is back again.  She appeared in the last 10 minutes or so in part two.  Enough of that.  Good zombie movie on a ship, that's for sure.  
Worth checking out.  
Hell, I'll buy it at a decent price for my zombie section.  
Fact:  Director Jaume Balaguero directed my number two favorite film of 2011, Sleep Tight.