Friday, March 6, 2015

End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones

I'm going to be very bias here.  Wait a minute, this is my movie blog, it's supposed to be bias.  I grew up with two older brothers that are big fans of the Ramones.  It wasn't until I reached my teens when I realized how good they really were and it took over from there.  This documentary shows some of the highlights.  From the beginnings and their rise to fame in the punk rock world.  Would've wanted more details but that wasn't the focus of this doc. I did learn some new things.  Joey Ramone had OCD.  I did not know Phil Spector was at one point their producer.  I got to learn some of the drama.  Enjoyed it.  
Definitely worth watching for you punk rock fans out there. My brother Robert and my niece Stephanie hooked me up with this doc.  Kudos!  Can't wait for the Ramones biopic directed by Martin Scorsese (it might be a while).