Friday, May 23, 2014

Robot Friday: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Very awesome.  I think this is my favorite movie so far this year.  Before I write more comments on this just wanted to say that I was debating if this was considered a robot movie or not for my Robot Friday.  My rule is that either the main protagonist or antagonist is a robot or the main plot has to do with robots.  This movie has to do with Sentinels, these futuristic robots that are meant to destroy all mutants.  The main plot is for Wolverine to go back in time and change a few events to prevent the future of these Sentinels.  There, this is my Robot Friday. I was entertained. Nice balanced movie.  I wasn't very excited to see this movie cause I had my ups and downs with the franchise.  My favorite X-Men movie is X-Men: First Class. This one is up there.  My favorite scene that made the whole movie for me was the Pentagon break in scene.  All I can say is that Quicksilver owns that scene. I think he's my favorite X-Men character now.  Too bad he's only in a few scenes. Lots of good dialogue in this movie. Some of it is inspirational. 
A must see movie this year.  Glad I decided to watch it. Made me appreciate the franchise a whole lot more.

Good times with my Sci-Fi movie crew.