Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Private Eye

Wow!  I finally got to enjoy a movie all the way through without thinking of life and other stuff.  And it had to be a Korean film.  Awesome.  Tonight was a good night. This fits in the detective/serial killer genre.  Love the two main characters.  It's like the Korean Sherlock Holmes.  First of all, this came out at Fantastic Fest in 2009.  Second, I been watching lots of films lately (a lot of films I've seen before) that go with a serial killer/detective story I'm working on.  This film fits the bill.  Excellent scenes.  They reveal the killer early on but there's a twist.  There's always a twist.  The private eye investigator here is a cool slick guy who tries to be on top of his game.  Good character.  There were a few crazy scenes.  This thriller also had lots of comedic moments.  So basically, there's this medical student who finds a body and experiments with it.  Then he realizes that the body is the governor's son.  Everyone is looking for him.  So the student gets scared because he's obviously not the murderer.  He hires a private eye and together they search for the killer.  Good set up.
I would recommend this movie.  Hell, I'm buying this for my Korean section.