Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cafe Seoul

Cafe Seoul IMDb
Decided to go with a Korean movie I knew about. Since the synopsis mentioned a Korean bakery, I had the clever idea to visit a Korean bakery today and pick out some sweets for this.  I had no idea this bakery existed and in Austin too. So I was excited.  This movie overall wasn't exciting. It was okay but it was too soft for my taste. It's a cheesy drama about this journalist who goes to explore the city and finds this hidden gem of a family owned Korean bakery. He connects with the chef and learns more about the history of the bakery.  There's some gangsters who mess with the business and then there's the final bake off challenge at the end with the two main brothers, both from different stores. It's got a sweet ending. It's all about traditional family baking and making dishes that reminds people of the original owners.  I like the concept but it just felt flat for me because of the acting and pace.
I wouldn't recommend this Korean drama.  It's a shame because Korean Cinema is my favorite.  I'll be checking out another Korean movie soon. This time is a detective thriller.  Oh yeah!

Went to Tous les Jours (a Korean Bakery Chain)