Saturday, April 5, 2014

All The Boys Love Mandy Lane

That's right, all the boys do love this girl.  They would do anything for her.  They would jump off a roof to the pool and killing themselves for her and they would go on a killing spree for her.  I'm getting ahead of myself and spoiling a few things but this is not a movie I would recommend.  It is just a one time deal for me.  Hell, I love Mandy Lane too.  She's a "just fun" kind of a girl and not  relationship material.  So, I would just hang out with her to have fun but that's it.  Anyways, this is a campy/slasher flick. I saw it because it came out at Fantastic Fest last year so I always tend to watch any FF veterans.  There was a big twist at the end that, of course, I didn't like.  A few bloody scenes made it just a little better but not too much. 
This movie wasn't for me.  It looked like it had potential for a cabin horror/slasher flick but it wasn't all that.  Another Fantastic Fest movie off my list.