Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Release Tuesday: The Skin I Live In


The Skin I Live In
Damn. Crazy unexpected film.
Didn't see that coming at all.
Especially with a film from Pedro Almodóvar.
At first it was trying to be too artsy but
little by little it turned out good.
I've never seen Antonio Banderas as a
crazy serious psycho before.
This is a movie that's better to know nothing about.
Let me put it in other words,
don't read any spoilers before watching it.
That big surprise makes the movie.
But this isn't a movie you want to watch over and over.
The surprise gets to you like a M.Night Shyamalan movie.
Good for a one time deal.

Messed up, but okay movie from Spain.
This was a secret screening at last year's Fantastic Fest.