Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Happiness of the Katakuris

Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is Takashi Miike
and tonight I saw another good film.
It's Miike's musical:

The Happiness of the Katakuris
This is one of my favorite Takashi Miike films now.
Gotta have this on the shelf.
There's hardly any gore and violent scenes,
but, it's a weird original story with music.
The songs are hilarious.
I was cracking up very hard at the
"the zombies dancing scene."
This has different genres (animation, musical,
and comedy).

I haven't yet seen a bad movie from Takashi Miike.
He's got a lot of weird ones and some that
you have to be in the mood to watch.
So, from my most favorite film to least favorite,
here's the list:
1. Ichi The Killer
2. Audition
3. Happiness of the Katakuris
4. Dead or Alive
5. Fudoh: The New Generation
6. Graveyard of Honor
7. Sukiyake Western Django
8. The Great Yokai War
9. Bird People in China
10. One Missed Call
11. Gozu
12. Izo
13. Full Metal Yakuza
14. Visitor Q
(Visitor Q is his most disturbing film, but still okay.
Just have to be mentally in the mood to see it.)

Now, here's the trailer for The Happiness of the Katakuris: