Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Great Yokai War

Catching Up With A Director Segment

(Takashi Miike Month)

The fourth Miike film this month is
his Fantasy/Children movie:

The Great Yokai War
Loved it.
This is supposed to be for kids but
it's not really a typical kids movie.
If you were to put a little bit of
"The Neverending Story" with a little bit
of the "Harry Potter" movies with Guillermo Del Toro's
characters in a blender and add some Miike in there,
you get "The Great Yokai War."
It was dark, it was weird, and I love the bizarre characters.

The story was alright. But, seeing all these images,
made it all worth it.
I think it's worth buying, but I'm a sucker for Asian cinema
and especially with weird characters.