Friday, July 30, 2010

Graveyard Of Honor

Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is Takashi Miike.

This morning, I decided to watch his yakuza drama:

Graveyard Of Honor
This is a remake of a japanese classic under the same name.
This is one of the best yakuza flicks I've ever seen.
It's not the usual Miike's over the top yakuza flick,
but, I did see his style in here.
This one has a serious tone and it's very slow and
character driven.
This reminded me of Sonatine mixed with Scarface.
But, Tony Montana don't have anything on Rikuo Ishimatsu.
This dude is more psycho and ruthless and very

This is a movie that will grow on me.
It wasn't exactly love at first sight,
but it's a start of a beautiful friendship.