Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"Catching Up With A Director" Segment
This month I'll be watching five films that I've never
seen before by Director Stanley Kubrick.
I already saw "The Killing" and "Paths of Glory" this month.
The next Kubrick film to see that I haven't seen, believe it or not,

This is a long ass epic that you need a whole day off to see.
It felt longer than all Lord of The Rings combined.
But, the story is very good.
It's easily one of the greatest epic movies I've ever seen.
Not necessarily the best. But, it's up there for me.
I had no clue about any of the story before watching this.
I always admire epics where the main character starts off with
nothing and later becomes something.
Kinda like the story of Ghengis Khan in the movie, "Mongol."
Both Khan and Spartacus start out as slaves and later
they lead a big army to fight the big dogs.
My favorite scene in this movie, is when
all the men in his army say, "I am Spartacus."
The battle scenes are good considering that this
movie came out in the 60's.

Next time I see this, I'll make sure to start it early
on a lazy Saturday morning.
It'll make a good start for the day.