Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Collector

The Collector
This is another movie that came out at Fantastic Fest 2009.
This is advertised as the same creators of the Saw movies.
So basically, if you like Saw, then this is for you.
It's the same kind of torture and kill scenes.
Nothing new to offer.
My favorite part was the cat kill scene.
That's probably my only favorite part.
I like the concept of the story:
Thief breaking into the house then moments
later, he has to be the one to save the people
he went to rob. This is the kind of story that can have a lot of potential.
The movie, in another hand, didn't deliver the goods.
There's suspense but I was wanting something else
and more. The gore was alright but not enough for this kind of
story. If Eli Roth would of directed this movie,
then it would of been bad ass.

I was expecting something different and original.