Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon
This is a movie I waited a long time to finally see for the
first time. Now that I saw it, it wasn't as great as I thought
it was going to be. Don't get me wrong, the intro and the
whole first act was awesome. Every shot, every word
was genious.
About halfway through, I lost some interest.
It felt a little long.
I know that this is based out of a true story but
I just didn't feel it.
But, I do want to give props to all the performances,
especially, Al Pacino. This is one of his best roles.
Love all the improvs.
Other than that, this is a little bit overrated in my opinion.

I'm sure most people have seen this already,
and they probably love it.
I don't feel the same way, but, I liked it as a whole.