Friday, February 19, 2010

Barry Lyndon

"Catching Up With A Director" Segment
This month's director is Stanley Kubrick.
I saw The Killing, Paths of Glory, and Spartacus this month.
The fourth Kubrick film to see that I haven't seen is Barry Lyndon.

Before we get to it, just want to say, I'm not
a big fan of costume period pieces.
I have to be in the mood to watch them.
Not that they're bad, just that they don't interest me.
I rather put my focus on some other genres.

Barry Lyndon
As far as this being a long ass period piece,
I think this film it's one of the best in that department.
Kubrick's trademark is all over this sucker.
From the dialogue to all the camera movement.
The story was decent.
I always enjoy stories that deal with the rise and fall
of a certain individual.
Kubrick did good expressing that here.
Now, I'm going to be bias, because once again,
I'm not a fan of these kinds of films.
This movie runs a little bit over 3 hours.
That's way more than enough that I personally need.
So unfortunately, I couldn't stand most of it.
I was losing my patience.
I'm sure if I was into period pieces, this would be
on my top 5.

Since this ain't my cup of tea, I have no choice but to write,
that this is my least favorite Kubrick film.
I'll apologize ahead of time for disappointing many fans
who love this movie.
By the way, I would like to add that my least favorite Scorsese film is
Age of Innocence for that same reason.