Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I don't know where to start.
I guess I can start by saying that this is
directed by Lars Von Trier (Dogville, Dancer in the Dark, Antichrist).
This came out at Fantastic Fest last year.
It received a lot of buzz at Cannes last year too.
It was just a tiny bit interesting and entertaining.
But majority of it was annoying.
The 8 minute artsy intro reminded me of another disappointment,
The Tree of Life.
The movie is broken up into two long chapters.
I didn't get the first chapter very much.
The main character (Kirsten Dunst) supposed
to very depressed on her wedding.
But we never get why.
The second half was a bit better because
right here is where the movie turns more
into sci-fi. But, still it was a downer until the end.

If you're thinking of checking this one out, my recommendation
is to go find "Dogville" or maybe even "Dancer in the Dark"
by the same director. Those movies put this one to shame.