Monday, September 26, 2011

The Squad


Screening #16:

The Squad
War/Horror movie from Colombia.
First off, I didn't really like it as a whole.
It felt a little long for me.
What I did like was the shots.
Almost every shot was either a close up or medium shot.
It created a tight space and we didn't know
what was around them.
So in that department, it made the movie a little scary.
I thought there was going to be some kind of
big payoff towards the end.
But we start realizing what is really happening.
It's not a witch or crazy creatures out there.
It's the soldiers going crazy and killing each other.

If you like war movies then you might want to check this one out.
It probably won't be available for a long time.
It's supposed to be out in certain festivals next year.