Wednesday, November 18, 2009

They Call Me Trinity

[To gain more knowledge of this genre,
every third Wednesday of each month this year,
I watch a spaghetti western film that I haven't seen before.]

Spaghetti Western Night Presents:

They Call Me Trinity
This was another one of those spaghetti westerns
that is mixed with comedy.
The opening shot was entertaining.
The main character, Trinity, is having a nap
while his horse was pulling him away.
I enjoyed the first act.
The rest of it was not as good to me.
It has the moments here and there,
but it didn't feel like the usual traditional spaghetti western.
I was hoping for long exteriors shots and some
good standoffs.
Though, there was a big royal rumble kind of fight towards the end.
That was cool.

This is most likely going to be towards the bottom list of my
favorite spaghetti westerns, but I've seen worse.
And speaking of these kinds of films, I just heard that
"Il Mercenario a.k.a A Professioanal Gun" DVD will be released on
January 29, 2010. That movie is one of those movies
I've been wanting to check out for a while.
It's a big time influence of Tarantino and Kill Bill.