Friday, November 6, 2009

Duel / Death Race 2000

[To explore and expand my knowledge in exploitation
and grindhouse cinema, I will be watching on the first Friday of each month, either
a double or a triple feature of grindhouse movies
that I never seen before.]

Friday at the Grindhouse Presents:

Tonight, I had me a gearhead double feature
starting with this one.
Duel is Steven Spielberg's 2nd feature.
It didn't feel like the usual grindhouse road picture,
it felt more of a big film.
But it was low budget.
I like this movie.
The opening was good.
And of course, the ending was promising.
I like that we never got to see who this trucker was.
I felt sorry for this bastard being chased around by this big semi.
A lot of wonderful shots from the road.
The whole thing takes place by the road with the exception
of the gas station and restaurant scenes.
The story drags on a little but I think it worked out for the

Good to check out.

Death Race 2000
The next half of our grindhouse feature was this
picture starting David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone.
The object of Death Race is to kill as many pedestrians as
you can to gain more points.
Now, that's a messed up game.
You get more points for children and older people.
This definitely has more of a grindhouse feel.
The story was a little weird and there's a shit load
of interesting characters.
I enjoyed the first half of this film.
The second half and the ending was alright.
Could of been a little better.
This sure has a lot of memorable stuff.
I got to see Rocky being pissed off and playing a sleazy bad guy.

This one has its good moments. Also good to check out.