Thursday, March 13, 2014

Yakuza Papers Vol. 5: Final Episode

At last, I got to finish this Yakuza epic.  This one leaves you still wanting more.  Maybe that's why they did 5 more movies on this and called it the new generation (which is rare to get a hold of).  The Final Episode has more killings and more chaos than the previous volume.  Our main character, Hirono, finally gets out of prison here but he's ready to retire.  Another big boss is ready to retire but before they do so, they must make sure everything in the yakuza world is in order.  This marks the end of the yakuza wars in Hiroshima.  A few of the younger generation get appointed as the new bosses and a new era begins.  This message is once again clear:  in the yakuza world, there is no winners.  Most will most likely die.  There's no stopping power and greed.  Just like the other movies, this is chaotic most times that I couldn't keep up with every character.  This whole saga was meant to be watched more than a dozen times.  Glad I own the rare box set to this.  Was able to find it at a low price at an indie video store in San Francisco. 
I recommend this Yakuza movie fans.  This and the other 4 movies are the bible of Yakuza movies.