Sunday, March 23, 2014

American Mary

This movie was alright.  It has a decent b-movie premise but then it gets lazy and tiring in the last part of the story.  This was shown at Fantastic Fest in 2012 and it got some buzz.  Mary is studying to be a surgeon.  She's in debt so she decides to strip for money, but before doing so, the strip club manager offers her five thousand to perform a crazy surgery on a person.  She takes it and so begins her journey of doing illegal operations.  She gets drugged and raped by her professor and after that she drops out of school and gets revenge on him.  She deforms him and tortures him "Hostel" style.  She makes a lot of money doing crazy surgeries for people and then she starts getting questions by a detective.  It was okay to see.  The acting kind of sucks but at least there was some gore.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend it.