Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

Wes Anderson delivers his usual beautiful shots, wonderful sets, and colorful characters. Story was okay. Probably my least favorite from his catalog. As a Wes Anderson fan, I still enjoyed the movie a lot. Can't go wrong.  I was just wanting more with the story especially towards the end.   This main story is told from a story within a story about how Gustav inherited The Grand Budapest.  It is the story of adventures.   Gustav and his bellboy go through a lot before they take over the hotel.  Gustav becomes a prisoner, then a fugitive, then a survivor.  It has the same quirky comedy as other Anderson films. This reminded me a lot of Fantastic Mr. Fox, Darjeeling Limited, and Bottle Rocket.  Okay maybe some of Moonrise Kingdom as well. 
Now that I know what happens and how the story goes, I'm hoping to like this movie a lot more the next time I see it.  I would still recommend this to Anderson fans.  It still has its charms.