Monday, November 18, 2013

42 (2013)

42 IMDb
The Jackie Robinson story finally gets a movie and it is everything I expected it to be.  We've seen one movie about racism in the 40's and 50's and we've seen them all.  So of course this is nothing new or groundbreaking but having this set around baseball made it more entertaining.  It's a good dramatic story about the first black baseball player.  It starts out right when they pick him to join the bigger leagues and it ends when Jackie Robinson first led the Dodgers to the World Series.  Good heart and soul movie.  I'm not a baseball fan at all but I do respect movies about it.  Kudos for Harrison Ford's performance as the head manager for the Brooklyn Dodgers (I think he was my favorite).  This movie went well with a typical stadium food affair: Hotdog, Cracker Jacks, and a soda.  Yeah, we're cheesy that way.