Friday, July 6, 2012

OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies / OSS 117: Lost in Rio

OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies
Tonight, we got us a French spy comedy double feature.
From the director of The Artist and also starring
the same actor from The Artist, comes this
great spy comedy with a few giggles and entertainment.
I enjoyed it a lot.
Now, I have a confession.
I've never seen any James Bond movies in my life.
Maybe one year I'll have a James Bond Night and
catch up. So I'm not too familiar with
all those movies but I've seen clips and art covers
that I know this movie as well as other movies,
like the Austin Powers movies, make fun or pay
homage to the classic James Bond movies.
I like the intro here.
I like the music.
Favorite scene: the chicken fight scene, literally.
This had the authentic 60's and 70's feel to it.
No wonder the director did good with "The Artist."
Good times in the muslim world with nazis, I mean,

Must see entertaining and exaggerated spy movie.

OSS 117: Lost in Rio
This sequel was fun but not as good as the first one.
It had Mexican wrestlers in Brazil.
Never heard that one before.
Once again, another homage and at the same time, a parody,
to the James Bond and other spy classics.
OSS 117 is now breaking more hearts and kicking ass in Brazil.
While the story didn't really stand out
as much as the first one, the whole thing was okay.
We got more nazis here but they weren't as
hardcore as the other nazis from the first one.

This movie was good as a double feature with the first
one. Other than that, okay to check out if you're a
spy movie fan.