Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Boxtrolls (2014)

This was a cute Animation.  I enjoyed it with my son.  He's a big fan of Paranorman, so I knew he was going to enjoy this one made from the same group.  I had no idea what the story was about.  Thought it was just about these trolls that wear boxes.  There is more to it than that.  It's a charming story about a boy who was raised by these "boxtrolls" and about the town who despises them.  I had no idea that both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, etc.) were a part of this.  Oh, and there are a lot of cheese eating scenes here.  So this would be a good movie to pair with a variety of cheeses.  It was a short and simple movie for those young at heart to enjoy.
This makes yet another great Animation movie this year. I have not seen any that sucked.  For the record, I have yet to see Rio 2 (which I've heard wasn't good).  Definitely recommend this one.

Here's a pic of my little troll before the movie.  Chocolate milk, optional.