Sunday, November 16, 2014

Big Hero 6 (2014)

Another sweet and awesome Animation this year.  This one is almost up there with The Lego Movie.  It's from the same creators who did Wreck-It Ralph (which was in my top 10 in 2012).  I have a confession:  I cheated again.  See, this is a Robot movie and I'm not supposed to see any robot movies this year unless it's Robot Friday.  In my defense, I totally didn't know or if I did know, I didn't realize until I was halfway through this movie.  So, it doesn't count.  This was just a freebie.  I'm trying to persuade my mind that it's okay and that everything is going to be alright.  I'll get over it.  Anyways, this movie is a robot movie, superhero movie, and a semi-revenge movie.  Badass!  Oh, and there are two emotional moments that hit me a bit.  Good story and cute little moments.  Okay, so it's not Wreck-It Ralph awesome but this does its job.  
 Must see, especially with the family.  Lots of cool Animation this year: The Lego Movie, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, How To Train Your Dragon 2.
Saw this in Midland with my son Nates the Shakes, my niece Angelina, and my brothers.