Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hardcore Korean drama!  What can you expect from a movie about a mother who goes crazy and ends up chopping her son's private parts off?  Oh, and the father, who was the one who made his wife go crazy, makes it his responsibility to learn and teach his son how to sexually pleasure himself without using his penis.  Yup, that's Moebius.  To top it off, this movie had no spoken dialogue.  All natural sounds.  Insane!  It was shown at Fantastic Fest last year.  If you're in the mood for a Korean dysfunctional family drama, this one is at your own risk.  Not a film I would recommend.  I'm a sucker for Korean films, so I had to see this to get it out of the way.
I wouldn't buy it.  Good to only see once and that's it. Again, at your own risk.

Had me some noodles to go with this movie.