Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pain & Gain

What ever made me decide to watch this? Well, a few friends told me that it wasn't your typical Hollywood action movie. That it was mostly like a dark comedy.  Yeah, it is directed by that Michael Bay guy, but who cares. So I saw this on Netflix and even got me food and beer that goes with the title.  This was entertaining.   It is nothing special. It was a good old solid ride.  Dark comedy and action rolled into one.  In a way, this reminded me of The Wolf of Wall Street.  Except,  there's no competition which one is the better movie. Don't mess with Scorsese.   Pain and Gain is based on a true story.  It's about this gym trainer guy (Marky Mark) who gets inspired by this motivational speaker to strike it rich. So he gets a couple of other crazy characters together to kidnap this rich guy (Monk) and get all his money. Simple plan but at 2 hours long, things have to get crazy.  Torture scenes and bonding moments between a religious Dwaine Johnson and Monk make up some of that. Then the cocaine stuff happens.  It gets tiring after a while but for the most part, it was okay to see.
I wouldn't exactly buy this movie but it did its job of keeping me a little busy this Sunday night.

I had me Hot Wings and a Bud inspired by the title and theme.
This will cause me some pain and some gain.