Sunday, December 2, 2012

Killing Them Softly (2012)

Killing Them Softly
This was okay.
I would of wanted more because I'm a huge fan
for gangster films.
This one is more drama and dialogue oriented than action.
But some of the talking scenes dragged on for a while.
I would say this is less gangster and more of
a hitman movie.
My favorite character is the Australian junkie.
Without him, this movie would of probably sucked.
Some of the shots and music were cool.
The first killing scene was awesome with its slow motion style.
I didn't like that it kept referencing Bush and Obama speeches.
I mean, a first few times is okay.
But, this movie constantly referenced it.
They do that because this story connects to it.
That's a good thing they pushed the release of this movie
until after elections.
Other than that, good dialogue especially the first half.
Decent hitman movie.