Friday, November 26, 2010

Cannibal Ferox / Motel Hell


Thanksgiving Special: Two Cannibal movies.

Cannibal Ferox
This is a Cannibal Holocaust rip-off but
with even more bad acting and more
cheesy moments.
Most of the moments were so bad that it
was only natural to laugh at it.
Gore was cool.
The animal deaths here weren't as bad
as the animal deaths in Cannibal Holocaust.
I like the music.
Favorite part: Mike gets his wig split. Lol.

Overall, don't recommend this if you haven't seen it.
It was okay for Grindhouse night.
See Cannibal Holocaust, if you're in the mood
for a sick disturbing film.

Motel Hell
Now this was fun.
I first heard about this through the
"100 Best Kills" event from Fantastic Fest.
This is not your straight up cannibal flick,
but, the element is there.
It comes at you every few scenes.
This is more about this crazy family.
Now I know where Rob Zombie got part of his inspiration
for "The House of 1000 Corpses."
I wanted to see more slaughters.
But they hold all the good stuff for the climax.
Love the country music that plays here and there.
Good snack to eat with this: any kind of beef jerky.

Motel Hell is a must.
Can't believe I've never seen this before.