Monday, October 12, 2009

The Rebel

Asian Cinema Night
[Every second Monday of each month
I watch an Asian film I haven't seen before.
Even though I see about two or three Asian films a month,
it's mandatory on the second Monday.]

The Rebel
I must say this Vietnamese action/drama flick
was entertaining.
Good fighting scenes with good performances.
The story was decent.
Not knowing much about this certain point of history
in Vietnam, this gave me a good idea of what it was like.
Feel sorry for the slaves and the french are assholes.
The only big problem I had with the story was
that they didn't emphasize too much on why "the rebel guy"
became a rebel and a traitor to his people.
Just one day he changed his mind and decided to help this
girl. Yeah, his family were rebels. His dad mentions that.
But it doesn't fully explain it all.
Other than that, kudos to this film.

This was a cool experience because I had me a Vietnamese
sandwich while the movie was playing.
Grade: B+