Thursday, December 31, 2015

****Top Favorite Films of 2015****

Here are my favorite films of 2015.  Of course, like every year, this was a big challenge. I think this was way harder this year, actually.  I love about 30 out of the 100 movies I've seen. So it was hard eliminating films.  These are movies that hold a special place in my heart in some way or form.  Like every year, this includes films I've seen at festivals. It's no surprise that some of the films on the list are from Fantastic Fest.  That is why I look forward to that festival every year. I see a lot of great films there and they deserve to be recognized in some way.  So, here we go.

1. The Hateful Eight
2. Mad Max: Road Fury
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 
4. The Martian
5. Too Late
6. The Brand New Testament
7. Ex Machina
8. Liza the Fox-Fairy 
9. Bone Tomahawk 
10. Trumbo 

Honorable Mentions:
Dope, Green Room, The Lobster, Shaun the Sheep, and Sicario.

This year I had two monthly events:
Time Travel Tuesday and Hitchcock Thursday 

These are my most favorite to least favorite films from each event.

Time Travel Tuesday
1. Frequency 
2. Time after Time
3. Meet the Robinsons 
4. Predestination 
5. Les Visiteurs
6. Somewhere in Time
7. Fetching Cody
8. Terminator Genisys
9. Time Bandits
10. 11 Minutes Ago
11. Project Almanac 
12. The Time Machine (2000)

Hitchcock Thursday 
1. Frenzy
2. Dial M for Murder
3. Family Plot
4. Marnie
5. Shadow of a Doubt
6. To Catch A Thief 
7. The Man Who Knew Too Much
8. The Birds
9. The Wrong Man
10. Spellbound 
11. The Lady Vanishes
12. The Trouble With Harry