Sunday, December 27, 2015


It's no secret that the only reason I've decided to watch this epic movie for the first time (shame on me) was because of The Hateful Eight.  This has an overture and an intermission.  Hell, Tarantino and company used some of the lenses from this movie.  Freaking epic story, for sure.  Love the first half a lot.  Second half was okay.  Love a bunch of theme here, first one being: revenge.  Had no idea what the story was about going in (again, shame on me). I'm glad I finally got this out of the way.  It's the type of movie you have to see if you're a cinephile.  Just to witness the four hour epic story.  I might never see it again or maybe in another 35 years.  Who knows?! Charles Heston, over my dead hands.