Tuesday, November 6, 2012

80's Monday: Adventures in Babysitting

Every first Monday of every month is 80's Monday.
There's a lot of movies that came out in the 80's
that were so popular that I haven't seen.
I'm an 80's kid, so this segment will give me a
chance to catch up on some of those popular
typical movies from this period.

Adventures in Babysitting
I never heard of this movie growing up in the 80's.
It wasn't until last year that I first heard of its existence.
Apparently, lots of people seen it.
Hell, it's got Elizabeth Shue in it.
It was cheesy to the max.
A little fun.
Earlier this year I saw "The Sitter" with Jonah Hill.
That movie got its main plot from this 80's movie.
Except, this babysitter here is a lot smarter than the retarded sitter
in the new movie.
Some okay scenes.
I think this is the first time I've seen gangsters
after a Playboy magazine.
Of course, they had lots of valuable information inside that magazine.
Cool to see Private Pyle as Troy.
Okay movie movie.