Monday, October 3, 2011

Rocky Horror Picture Show


[To expand my knowledge in this genre
and for the sake of trying something different,
every first Monday of every month this year,
I'll be checking out a musical I've never seen before.]

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Finally got to see this weird dark musical.
Was waiting for October to see it.
Well, I can't say I was a fan.
But, it was alright.
My favorite songs are in the first act.
I didn't know Susan Sarrandon was in this until
I saw her.
It wasn't as dark as I thought it was going to be.
It was a bit trippy, yes.
I don't even want to imagine seeing
this under the influence.
My favorite musical number was the first
sequence when they enter the castle and everyone

Tim Curry on stockings, it's worth
a peek, I guess.