Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red State (2011)


Red State
I'm a Kevin Smith fan.
As a fan, I have to see every film he comes up with.
This is his latest film.
A different film he's never done before.
But, I heard it's his most personal film.
I didn't really like it.
No surprise there.
I went in with low expectations.
I wasn't impressed.

Spoiler Alert:
The only two parts I did like was the
stupid teen who started shooting and ended up shooting
himself and the last shot at the end
where the preacher (Michael Parks) sings
while in Jail and they tell him to
"Shut the fuck up."

Other than that, everything else felt like a waste of time.
Religious freaks versus Twilight horny teens.
I hate religious freaks.

I'll get it one day, under five bucks,
for the Kevin Smith collection.