Monday, March 22, 2010


Catching Up With A Director Segment
This month's director is Steven Soderbergh.
So far this month, I've seen:
The Informant
and The Limey.
Each film is different from each other,
and the fourth one is no exception.

Kinda quirky and very experimental picture from
The experiment:
go into a small town where they have this factory,
hire local people as actors, and see what happens.
The story is a little original.
All the actors on here have no acting experience,
but it somewhat works for this project.
Almost everything was improvised.
Some of their performances weren't believable,
especially after they find out about the murder.
Made it a little funny, even though, it's not.
The ending was kinda weak.

Personally, this film is not for me,
but I give Soderbergh props for his artistic approach.
He has some guts to follow Ocean's 12 with
this very low budget flick.