Sunday, December 6, 2009

Terminator 3 / Terminator Salvation

This weekend I saw all four Terminator movies.
I've never seen part 3 and 4.
So here are my comments on those.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
I went in with low expectations.
I was satisfied. It was entertaining.
The only problem was that this story is the same
as T2. Just different bad Terminator.
The plot was the same. It felt like it needed more
scenes towards the end.
But, I did like the ending.
The start of the war.
Bad writing but good action sequences.

Terminator Salvation
Finally saw the latest Terminator.
It was still good and entertaining.
This one had more information than part 3,
but it kinda confuses the timeline of events.
I guess I was expecting to see the year 2029 more
than the year 2018.
The year 2029 was the year they sent back those Terminators in T2.
So I thought they were going to somehow link that together.
They went all out on the special effects.

Overall, I thought this was good as Terminator 1 and 3.
But it's not a match for Terminator 2, of course.
When will this end??? I hope soon.