Monday, November 30, 2015

Danny Collins (2015)

Enjoyed this decent dramedy.  It has a lot of heart. A movie about redemption. Based on a story about real life folk singer, Steve Tilston. A story where an aging famous rock star finds out that John Lennon wrote him a letter a long time ago. He reads the letter and it inspires him to change his life around. A few John Lennon songs later and we got ourselves a heart and soul movie.  This is a father and son movie, in a way.  Kind of like the happier version of The Wrestler (the Arofnosky film) but entire different story.  A movie where the message once again is that money can't buy you happiness or love.  Good stuff. For that, I give it a lot of points because I love these types of stories.  Somewhere between a high 7 and a low 8.
8 out of 10.