Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pixels (2015)

Never in my fucking life did I think I was going to watch this movie especially after that bad stupid trailer.  But, love for my son, got me watching this.  It was his choice, I swear.  Shut the fuck up.  You're not fooling anyone. It was me.  It was me all along.  Okay, this isn't going nowhere.  I actually thought this was a tad better than my very low expectations.  I've seen some worse shit this year.  This is one of them but not the lowest.  Kudos on Donkey Kong.  Kudos on some of the references.  Fuck Kevin James.  No one is missing anything here.  If anything, I give this props for getting in the mood to watch Wreck-it Ralph.  Now that one has an awesome story and heart.
3 out of 10.