Friday, February 24, 2012

Kung Fu Friday: Once Upon A Time In China


Every fourth Friday of every month this year,
I'll be checking out a kung fu movie of any period.
Gives me an excuse to kick the walls and break
blocks of wood. Also gives me the excuse to
go to I Luv Video or Vulcan Video and catch up on
some great kung fu flicks out there.

Once Upon A Time In China
Finally saw this kung fu classic.
Long but deadly.
Jet Li is one bad ass little man.
I was lost in the story for a bit but
then after a while I picked it up.
Majority of this was more of a war film.
Nothing wrong with that,
but I couldn't wait for the next fight
to start.
Very dramatic film.

It was nice to see a different kind of kung fu movie
rather than the typical kung fu flicks of the 70's.
Had to be patient with this one.
Not sure if I'll see the rest of this series anytime soon.
But, a decent start.