Sunday, January 1, 2012

****Changes for 2012****

Happy New Years Everyone!!!

Here are the new movie specials for this year:

1st Monday of every month will be 80's Monday.
I'll be watching a movie from the 80's that I've
never seen before. A movie that's so popular among the 80's generation.

Every Tuesday will still be New Release Tuesday.
I'll comment on any movie that officially comes out
on DVD that Tuesday.

2nd Wednesday of every month will be
South American Cinema Night.
I will see a movie each month I've never seen before
from any South American country.
This will of course exclude any films I see at film festivals.

3rd Thursday of every month will be Home Invasion Thursday.
I wanted something more specific.
When I saw Kidnapped from Spain last year,
I decided to start a home invasion section for my collection.
Might as well do a special on this .
Every third Thursday I'll comment on a home invasion movie
I've never seen before.

4th Friday of every month will be Kung Fu Friday.
I been wanting to do this segment for a while.
This year will be my first year without Friday at the Grindhouse.
Want to take this year a little slower.
So I'm making way for some Kung Fu.
I'll be commenting on kung fu movies I've never seen before.

So let the year begin.
Another challenge for my "stupid" addiction.
I try to make things hard for me.
Staying true to myself and to this blog.