Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Orphanage

The Orphanage
Spooky and Brilliant film.
I was literally getting chills and goosebumps
there towards the end.
Love the slow build-up there.
Love the ending!!
Of course, my favorite scene is
when our main character (Laura the mother)
knocks on the wall and counts to three and
the children kept getting closer to her each
time she did that.
Beautiful cinematography.
Man, this should be like a shame on me.
Can't believe I just saw this movie.
I mean, it came out a couple of years ago,
I kept putting it off. I don't know why it took me this long.

This is produced by Guillermo Del Toro.
I can tell why. This would make an excellent double feature
with another ghost story of his, my favorite Del Toro film,
Devil's Backbone. This is a must buy for the Foreign section.