Monday, September 13, 2010

My Blueberry Nights

Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is Wong Kar Wai.
The reason I've chosen this director is because
I'm a big fan of Chungking Express.
I wanted to see what else he's done.

Tonight, I pay a visit to his latest flick:

My Blueberry Nights
Love the colors.
This is another Wong Kar-Wai movie that I'm not a fan of.
I like his direction, but I'm just not feeling the
story and pace.
Nothing wrong with a slow paced story, just
that I wasn't in the mood for it today.
But, that's his style.
All his movies are slow paced art films.
I need to accept that.
Performances are great as usual.
This felt like the movie, "Mystery Train."
It's interesting that I bring that up.
Wong Kar-Wai has a lot of things in common
with American Independent director, Jim Jarmusch.
I respect Jarmusch films just like Wong Kar-Wai,
but, their movies aren't for me.

Not personally impressed.
But, if you like films by Jim Jarmusch and/or Woody Allen,
then definitely check out films from Wong Kar Wai.