Friday, September 10, 2010

As Tears Go By

Catching Up With A Director Segment

This month's director is Wong Kar-Wai.
Believe it or not, his film, Chungking Express,
was the very first Asian movie I ever saw.
This was back in the late 90's.
The only others ones I've seen are:
Ashes of Time
Happy Together

So let's start this segment with his very first feature film:

As Tears Go By
It was quite good.
It was poetic just like the other Wong Kar-Wai films I've seen.
It tackles the gangster genre a little as well as love.
Unexpected. Didn't know what was going to
happen in the next minute or so.
Right in the beginning, I noticed, good performances.
There's a little bit of taboo stuff here with the cousin and all.
This felt like early Scorsese stuff
(Who's that Knocking on my door? and Mean Streets).

For his feature film, not bad. Don't recommend this unless
you're familiar with his work.
I can definitely feel the art of this film.