Friday, June 18, 2010

Unthinkable (2010)

Complicated but intense.
Great performances here.
Unpredictable scenes.
Samuel L. Jackson's character, H, is
one crazy motherfreaker.
If you like movies that make you think
and that leaves you with your own assumptions or
interpretation, then look no further than this one.
If you want a straight out story with
a conclusion, then this might be a disappointment.
All I can say is, there's good entertaining stuff
here all the way until the last 10 minutes of the film.
I have split feelings over the ending.
Part of me wanted answers and part of me respected
the way it turned out.

I respect what they were trying to do:
Question stuff.
How far can you draw the line?
Is it okay to do certain things if it means that you can save lives?
Etc. Etc.